
3 Things CMOs Need to Ask their SEM Team About Google Search

3 Things CMOs Need to Ask their SEM Team About Google Search

Google Search allows you to advertise your company, products, and services through user search queries. As a marketer, you have a lot on your mind, but it’s important to do a pulse check of your company once in a while. Here are a few questions to ask your SEM team that will help get a better understanding of the world of Google Search Campaigns…

1. How do we assess the validity of running only Broad Match campaigns?

Keywords are words or phrases you use to match your ads with the queries people are searching for. The keyword match type used will decide the breadth of user search terms that your keyword can match. It’s important to evaluate whether this type of match strategy makes sense for you.

Broad match = wider scope of user searches

Exact match = specific user searches.

Google recommends running only broad match keywords to some clients. They let their AI match relevant user searches to targeted broad match type keywords.

2. Are we running continuous tests to discover top performers?

Running continuous experiments is key to scaling Google Search Ads successfully.

The Twigeo team ran GeoX experiments with one control group and a test group for two clients and here are the results:

For a streaming platform client, we duplicated their normal Search campaigns comprising Exact, Phrase, and Broad Match and ran Broad Match campaigns only.

For the test campaigns, we saw a +19% lift in sales over the “normal” control setup and a -25% improvement in cost per conversion. For a web client (Change.org), we ran the same test but did not reach a conclusive result, preventing us from confirming the validity of the results.

Given the low lift observed, we have a directional interpretation that this tactic did not deliver the increase promised by Google based on their case study.

So, what does this mean?

This tactic could be a viable substitute for a blended keyword approach, reducing the resources we need to optimize performance.

3. How can we implement Dynamic Search to keep ads relevant?

DSA works best for advertisers with a well-developed website or a large inventory. Google will use your website content to target your ads and can help fill in the gaps in your keyword-based campaigns. Dynamic Search Ad headlines and landing pages are also generated using content from your website, which keeps your ads relevant and saves you time.

When someone searches on Google with terms closely related to the titles and frequently used phrases on your website, Google Ads will use these titles and phrases to select a landing page from your website and generate a clear, relevant headline for your ad.

PRO TIP: Invest in SEO tactics to ensure that your webpages are search-optimized and headlines & descriptions are as relevant as possible within the environment of DSA campaigns.

Not all Google Search advertisers are suited the same for DSA. Ideal Twigeo candidates that have scaled DSA (content distribution and streaming services) have a vast array of different content verticals, genres, & hyper-specific landing pages. 

Therefore, making it resource-intensive and tough to scale a setup that aligns relevant ad copy and landing pages to niche queries for long tail, less popular pieces of content.

When in doubt, consult with your Google rep on how to approach Search or reach out to Twigeo to dive deeper!

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