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The Future of Web Tracking

The Future of Web Tracking

by Daijiro Yokota

As some of you may have heard, big changes are coming to how websites track your online activity. Google recently announced that its Chrome browser will no longer support third-party cookies starting this year. This might sound technical, but it has significant implications for web advertisers. So, let’s break it down and see what you can do to adapt to this change.

Until now, advertisers have relied heavily on something called pixel tracking to monitor how effective their online ads are. This involves using hidden bits of code, called tracking pixels, to follow what users do on websites. These pixels collect data like clicks and interactions, which are shared with advertisers. However, because of growing concerns about user privacy, browsers like Chrome are starting to block these tracking methods.

So, what’s the solution? One alternative gaining popularity is called server-to-server tracking. Instead of relying on pixels, this method generates unique anonymous IDs for tracking user actions, like clicks or views. Later, when a user completes a conversion, like making a purchase, this ID is used to connect the dots. The key difference is that all this tracking is done on the server side, meaning it’s more secure and reliable. In addition to protecting user privacy, server-side tracking offers several advantages over pixel tracking to advertisers:

Advantages of Server-Side Tracking

  • 1


    Users can't easily dodge tracking by deleting cookies or using ad-blockers.

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    It's harder for fraudsters to manipulate the data.

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    There are more options for tracking different types of events, like completed orders or successful calls.

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    Advertisers get a clearer picture of user activity, helping them verify conversions and campaign performance.

Now, how do you set up server-side tracking? If you are using Google Tag Manager (GTM), there’s a feature specifically for this purpose. When you create a new tracking setup in GTM, you can choose “Server” as the target platform. This will enable server-side tracking within GTM, giving you more control over your data and helping you comply with privacy regulations like the EU’s GDPR. You can find more information on GTM’s server-side tracking page. 

In short, the era of third-party cookies and pixel tracking is coming to an end. By switching to server-side tracking, advertisers can future-proof their strategies and stay ahead of the curve. If you need help navigating these changes, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s connect and ensure your marketing efforts remain effective in this evolving landscape.

As some of you may have heard, big changes are coming to how websites track your online activity. Google recently announced that its Chrome browser will no longer support third-party cookies starting this year. This might sound technical, but it has significant implications for web advertisers. So, let’s break it down and see what you can do to adapt to this change.

Until now, advertisers have relied heavily on something called pixel tracking to monitor how effective their online ads are. This involves using hidden bits of code, called tracking pixels, to follow what users do on websites. These pixels collect data like clicks and interactions, which are shared with advertisers. However, because of growing concerns about user privacy, browsers like Chrome are starting to block these tracking methods.

So, what’s the solution? One alternative gaining popularity is called server-to-server tracking. Instead of relying on pixels, this method generates unique anonymous IDs for tracking user actions, like clicks or views. Later, when a user completes a conversion, like making a purchase, this ID is used to connect the dots. The key difference is that all this tracking is done on the server side, meaning it’s more secure and reliable. In addition to protecting user privacy, server-side tracking offers several advantages over pixel tracking to advertisers:

Advantages of Server-Side Tracking

  • 1


    Users can't easily dodge tracking by deleting cookies or using ad-blockers.

  • 2


    It's harder for fraudsters to manipulate the data.

  • 3


    There are more options for tracking different types of events, like completed orders or successful calls.

  • 4


    Advertisers get a clearer picture of user activity, helping them verify conversions and campaign performance.

Now, how do you set up server-side tracking? If you are using Google Tag Manager (GTM), there’s a feature specifically for this purpose. When you create a new tracking setup in GTM, you can choose “Server” as the target platform. This will enable server-side tracking within GTM, giving you more control over your data and helping you comply with privacy regulations like the EU’s GDPR. You can find more information on GTM’s server-side tracking page. 

In short, the era of third-party cookies and pixel tracking is coming to an end. By switching to server-side tracking, advertisers can future-proof their strategies and stay ahead of the curve. If you need help navigating these changes, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s connect and ensure your marketing efforts remain effective in this evolving landscape.

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